Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I've seen a few of my other frequent Blog Haunts doing this, so I figured it must be the cool thing to do! So here's a shot of my desktop at the office. Pretty bland, yet I get a lot of crap for it. Those damn Phoenicians love to remind me of the 19-0 shutout handed to us by the ASU Sundevils back in 1996. Of course, I always reply by asking how many national championships ASU has....the answer is a big goose egg, for those wondering :)

I don't change my computer desktops very often. When I do, they are usually pretty tame. I've never been a big fan of having a lot of color and noise on my screen...for me, it detracts from the usefullness. The icons always end up getting lost on the screen and I can't find a damn thing! So whatever my desktop may look like, it's always going to be fairly bland.

I'm off to my softball game. Have a great Tuesday, what's left of it!

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

You are so hip TechyMike!

Did you win your softball game?