Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I know I don't stop by here anymore, but I figured I'd at least wish my visitor(s) a Merry Christmas. Here's a special song for you:

Thursday, September 04, 2008


I'm not necessarily back to blogging, but I just thought I'd post a quick update here. It's September, and that means that it's the best time of the year. COLLEGE FOOTBALL! My Cornhuskers are a new team with a new coaching staff and the Husker fans are pumped up. I attended the home opener last Saturday and it was LOOOOOUUUUUD! It was my first game since I'd moved to Phoenix 7 years ago, so it was obviously special to me too. We kicked some serious Western Michigan butt, and although we made a lot of mistakes on defense, we've got plenty of time to improve before we see any real competition.

With that said, I need to go watch the SC game which is starting back up now. Take care everyone, and GO BIG RED!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Chick magnet

Shortly after moving back to Nebraska, my mother in law signed Ian up for a 4H activity, hatching and raising baby chickens, similar to what you see here:

For the past several weeks, he has played the part of mother hen, rotating the eggs in the incubator (I'm not really sure mother hens rotate their eggs, and most certainly they don't use an incubator, but that's neither here nor there.). This morning, much to his and Kendra's excitement, the first chick hatched. Much like most things when they are newborn, it was kinda ugly, but after a day in the incubator, it is starting to resemble the picture above. I'm sure we'll go through similar reactions as the remaining 11 eggs hatch.
And although this probably didn't cross your mind, the chicks are broiler-ready in 6-8 weeks. That's straight from the 4H manual, folks. Now, how am I going to convince Ian that Fluffy will make a great snack???? And at what point to I apply the hot sauce?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

An old video

I found this video that my son made several months back when we still lived in Phoenix. I thought it was kind of humourous, so I figured I'd share it. Sorry it's a cliffhanger...I'm not sure what the end result was, but I'm sure it wasn't good for our friend Jack!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to anyone who happens to stop by :)

Monday, April 07, 2008


Sorry, guess it's breaktime again. Nothing really newsworthy going on here, but I'm keeping pretty busy with the new job and all. I'll post again when I have more to add. I'll still check your blogs :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I've got the flu...

so much for my Easter weekend. :(

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Still kicking

I'm still here, just haven't been hanging out on the computer as much as I have in the past. For your reading enjoyment, some updates:

  • The new job is going well. It's pretty much the same thing I was doing at my last job. For now I'm just concentrating on learning new policies, procedures, and names, and then I'll be good to go.
  • Our new house is great. We have a huge backyard, which is a real plus. Back in Phoenix, our backyard was maybe 100 sq ft. It's at least 10 times that here. Unfortunately, the weather hasn't been too cooperative for us to enjoy it, but it's only March.
  • I was pukey last night and this morning, so much so that I had to call in sick to work today. I felt really bad about that, but there wasn't much I could do to prevent it. I wouldn't have even lasted the drive to work! Feeling much better now. I crawled out of bed around 2PM, and haven't puked since. I even went outside and enjoyed the mid-50s weather for about 30 minutes.
  • Our neighbors are all great. There are all sorts of kids on our block, and my son has already befriended a couple of them. Every day after school he asks if he can go over and play with him. There is a good mix of ages, and my daughter has found some girls to play with too. The summer should be a blast.

That's it for now. Not sure when I'll be back here, but I'll be here eventually!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

We've arrived!

We've made it to Omaha, safe and sound, and we just go the internet hooked up (after several days without...ugh!)

Will post again soon, but we're still getting settled, so it might be another day or two.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Continuing on

As you can imagine, it's been a busy couple of weeks, and we're down to 2 weeks before our 1500 mile trek to Omaha. We found a great house with an enormous backyard, and although we're just going to be renting it, it will be a wonderful place to call home.

This weekend has been a whirlwind of packing and planning. We've got the moving company reserved, and they will pick up all of our stuff on Feb 29. Considering we don't hit the road until Mar 4, we'll be living very minimalistic for those few days. You know what, I just realized this was a leap year after writing that last sentence :)

I remember when we moved from Nebraska to here, we sold all of our stuff, packed our two cars full, and hit the trail. I wish it were that simple this time around, but with our daughter in the picture this time around, and a lot more stuff, it wasn't an option. The company I'm going to is only allowing $1500 for moving expenses, and we're going to pay more than double that, but at least we're going home!

Have a good week everyone. I'll check in when I get some more time.

Friday, February 08, 2008

It's official...

Thanks to all for your words of support and/or advice. I received an offer from the company today, and it was just too good not to take it. I accepted the offer today, and our last day in Phoenix will be March 3 (My birthday!).

As far as the house goes, we're just going to see what happens. I've spoken with a couple of realtors, and we're going to put it on the market and see where it goes from there.

That's about all I have for now. I'll post more later, but I wanted to share the good news!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Follow up

Well, the interview went as well as I could have imagined. I received a verbal offer, which was right at the salary range that I was looking for. I'm just waiting for the formal letter with all the details.

So today, we got in touch with a realtor to get our house on the market. They said, and I'm paraphrasing, "Oh, I'm owe more than your house is worth. We won't be able to sell it for what you need to get out of your mortgage."

I'm so depressed right now, I don't know what to do about the house. We could try renting it out, but I'm not a big fan of being an "out of state landlord". We've even contacted that silly "We Buy Ugly Houses" company to see if there's anything they can do for us.

The job doesn't pay enough for us to cut our losses and start over, so we might be stuck here in AZ for the foreseeable future. And that just makes my heart sink and has my stomach in knots.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Job interview

I'm flying back to Nebraska on Friday for a job interview. It's with a company in the same industry as where I work now, so I'm very familiar with the environment. I'm probably overly qualified for this job, but it would be a great way for me to get my foot in the door in terms of getting back home. Not sure what the pay is yet, but I'm sure we'll discuss it on Friday.

Wish me luck :)

Monday, January 21, 2008


I've had this sinus, cough, crap that's been going around for the last few days, and it sucks. I'm not used to getting sick, so when I do, I feel like a real baby for complaining about it. My immune system is typically pretty strong and I don't have too many issues, but this is just kicking my butt! I've been slathering vicks up my nose, and keeping the breathing strips on my nose whenever I'm at home, just so I can breathe somewhat normally. I'm sure it will pass soon enough, but it sure stinks for now!

My wife and I went to see I AM LEGEND on Saturday. It's pretty different from the book if you've already read it, so it's probably worth seeing. I was a little disappointed that they used CGI monsters instead of people wearing never looks as realistic using CGI!

I hate reading books and then seeing movies...I always end up critiquing the movie too much about what was left out or changed, but I didn't do it in this one, so it's all good. If you're interested in a spoiler, start highlighting here: DARTH VADER IS LUKE'S FATHER! Don't say I didn't warn's a spoiler!

So that's about it for me. Nothing else new on this side of the country. I'll check back in sometime in the near future :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Is today Monday???

I walked out of the house this morning, on my way to work, to a flat tire on my wife's van. Sooooo I went inside, changed clothes, and proceeded to replace it with the spare. Only to find (after I got it attached) that the spare was flat.....

Monday, January 14, 2008

What the heck....Monday already?

Man, where did the weekend go? I don't know about you, but I could definitely use a few more days off!

And who woulda thought that both Indy and Dallas would be eliminated yesterday? Crazy stuff, I tell you!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ouch! Softball season arrives...

Everyone who says that Phoenix is beautiful this time of year obviously hasn't played in a winter softball league. Our season started last night at 8:30PM. It was somewhere around 50 degrees. I'm sure to some, this is beautiful weather and you'd give your left nut anything to have this kind of weather. To me, this is FREAKING COLD! By 10:30 when we finished, we were all ready to vacate the field for the warmth of our beds!

I also realized (this morning) that I'm very out of shape and shouldn't probably be playing softball. I'm going to try to sit in my chair and do nothing all day, because it's the easiest way to avoid the muscle aches that are surging through my lower body. At least there were no major injuries on our team last night....but it's a long season. It never fails, every season there are several guys who end up out of the picture because of various pulled muscles.

I'm off to nurse a Coke. Have a good day. :)

Friday, January 04, 2008

2008 Resolution for the media...

...drop the Britney Spears infatuation. Maybe, if we all stop giving that loon attention, she'll either dry up and get back on track, or she'll crawl into a hole and die. I can't even visit my normal Google homepage anymore without having to see 3 links about her newest tragedies.

That's all :)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Closing the book...

...on 2007, that is :) You didn't think I was going to stop blogging did you? Well, I'm least not right now!

I hope you had a great Christmas and a safe New Years Eve! It was pretty much uneventful for us at the our household. We went over to my wife's sister's house for Christmas dinner, and stuffed ourselves with Honey Baked Ham (yum!) and all the typical sides.

With all of the money we spent on the house this past year, my wife and I didn't really do anything for each other for Christmas, but focused what we had on the kids. It was worth it too, especially watching our 3 yr old daughter opening her gifts was just precious!

New years eve was just as it has been the past 9-10 years or so. Neither my wife or I hardly ever drink or party, so we stayed at home, opened a bottle of Martinelli's Sparkling Cider, which was finished in about 5 minutes between the 4 of us, and that's about it. My son and I shared a can of smoked oysters (which about made my wife gag). He wanted to try to stay up until midnight to celebrate the new year, but by 11:30, he could barely keep his eyes open, so he went to bed. I toasted the new year with my dog, Koda.

So yeah, that's about it. Happy 2008 to all, and I'll see you again soon!