Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cleaver HNT

Halloween, the scariest day of the year, is only 20 days away. Now, typically I wear a costume into work each year, but this year, my dad is coming to town that day, and I'll be damned if I am going to the airport to pick him up dressed as a two bit hooker again...

So I figure in honor of Halloween, I'd creep you all out just a little bit early. I find this area to be one of my better features, but I also find that most others don't! My ass cleavage!

So what do you say, fellow HNT'ers? Trick? or Treat? :)

Happy HNT everyone!


Zoely said...

Treat! Treat!

Anonymous said...

Too funny!

SignGurl said...

It's so weird how cleavage on different body parts looks so similar.

Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!

Lapis Ruber said...

That would be a star turn in Boobiethon, if you hadn't told us what it really was. :-) Happy HNT.

Oh great One said...

I knew it was your tushy!

TK Kerouac said...

may I draw on it?

I've gone private, if you'd like an invite, email

Polt said...

I'd say it a trick, cause you're just teasing us with this ass-cleavage, and not showing all of the goods.

That, my friend, would be a treat. :)


Southern Sweetheart said...

I can't decide whether that's the treat after the tricks or if that's part of the trick and you're still hidin' the treat! ;) hehe

BTExpress said...

Ewwwwwwwwww................ LOL