Sunday, November 18, 2007

Goal #1: Drink Less Soda

Thanks to everyone for the words of encouragement. Losing weight is something I'm serious about, but I've never had much luck with it in the past. Like I said in my previous post, it all comes down to motivation, prioritization, and just plain not being so lazy.

I figure that maybe it's better for me to make lifestyle changes in individual goals, rather than just jumping straight into the rivers of change. And for no other reason than to be accountable, I'm posting my first goal here!

My first obstacle will be difficult...I've gone through periods where I've been able to give up soda for a couple of weeks at a time. Problem is, something ends up stressing me out, and Coke (the soda, not the powder) is a release for me. It's partly the taste, partly the bite. Once I get that taste, I've got to have more. It's a fix I've got to have on a daily basis.

This week, I've still had my Coke first thing in the morning, but after that, it's been all unsweetened iced tea. I bought an iced tea machine, and it's been great. I've always had a problem with drinking straight's too bland. Tea is much more refreshing, and gets me my daily requirement of water and then some!

So that's my first goal...let's stick with it for awhile and see how it goes. Of course, heading into Thanksgiving isn't the best time to be making life changing goals, but here's hoping that I have the will power to stick with it :)

Happy Thanksgiving!


Oh great One said...

I stopped drinking soda a while back. It has NO value to you at all you know. Now it doesn't even taste good to me anymore. My MIL had some Dr.Pepper (my old fave) and I was briefly tempted but upon tasting it I didn't want any more. It might take a while for the urges to leave but I think that will be an excellent step in the right direction. Those are just empty calories you can scrap! Good luck to you! Let me know if you need more encouragement!

Lucy Stern said...

Oh great one is right, empty calories....Have you ever tried Green tea? It will help you loose your cravings to eat and it will help rev up your metabolism. Also, if you can eat about 7 or 8 almonds when you start getting humgry it will quell your cravings for food.

I know that you don't like drinking water but it is good for your body.

Go check out It has helped me.

Oh, I almost forgot, go find the book, "Get the sugar out". A friend of mine just lost 20 pounds by following that book.

Anonymous said...

I don't like drinking plain water, either. Lipton Diet Green Tea is an OK substitute, but I gotta have my Dr. Pepper!