Monday, December 03, 2007

Money stresses

We came to the conclusion about a month ago, after some large house projects, that we had to curb our spending. We had maxed out a couple of credit cards and spent most of our savings trying to get our house ready to sell in the event that I get a job back in Nebraska. We've been eating out way too much. My wife shops too much. Etc, etc, etc. Now, we're trying to overcome our financial issues and get back on our feet. I've turned into a bargain grocery shopper, with my pocketful of coupons, and a knack for keeping an eye open for low prices!

I don't usually get stressed out, but these are definitely trying times. I'm looking for some great stress relief suggestions...what are some things that YOU do to relieve your stress?

1 comment:

Oh great One said...


Eating out was a big drain on our budgets too. I started writing a menu out and pulling out the recipes I'd need for the menu. THEN I'd just buy what I needed for the menu. It made it really nice when dinner time came I had already worked out the meals so I didn't have to think on my feet! It's made a big difference.

As part of my weight loss plan CCB and I started walking for 30 minutes each night. As it turns out it was very relaxing to us as well as beneficial to our health!
I hope that helps.