Friday, August 17, 2007

Teenage Drivers

When I was of driving age, it always used to bother me when those pesky grown ups would say, "Kids these days are such irresponsible drivers!" Insurance rates were jacked up through the roof, and I couldn't figure out why! I was a GREAT driver! It was irresponsible of the grown ups to label we teenagers as bad drivers! What did they know anyway???

Now that I'm a parent, I have to say this...nobody under 21 should be allowed to drive. Period. Kids these days are so damn irresponsible when it comes to driving. They weave in and out of traffic. They text message their friends while turning across three lanes of oncoming traffic. They cause me anxiety and stress. Need I say more?

While we're at it, can we get rid of drunk drivers, elderly drivers, foreign drivers, idiot drivers, etc.? That way the road will be clear for me on my drive to and from the office.


Oh great One said...

Welcome back my friend! I've really missed you. I kept checking your old blog in hopes you'd leave us just a crumb or two. I hope everything is just peachy in your neck of the woods!

Jay said...

Oh man you're getting old :)