Monday, September 17, 2007

It's Softball season

The summer heat has subsided (in Phoenix, that means the temp has dipped below 110), which means that it's time to pull out the aluminum bats and oil up the's softball season again!

Here in Phoenix, we play 3 seasons out of the year...Winter, Spring, and Fall. Unfortunately, due to a shoulder injury (resulting in some surgery) while remodeling our kitchen, I missed out on the last season so I'm really looking forward to this one! The doctor has given me the OK to play, so I'm very excited.

I thought about going to the cage to practice my batting, but being the worst batter on the team, I figured why ruin a good thing.


Oh great One said...

I'm not going to tell CCB you are playing softball again. He will be too sad. That's something he really misses these days.

You didn't tell us you'd had surgery! That must have been during your "quiet period".

Lucy Stern said...

Baseball is my game and the season is about over and I will go into a kind of slump until spring training. Have fun with your softball.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the games - hope the shoulder stays well, too! I think I finally got you back on my blogroll, so maybe I'll remember to stop by more often. Unless, of course, you're not into that sort of thing.... ha.