Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A semi-dorky HNT

I had a dilemma when Osbasso declared this past Tuesday to be "Dorky Tuesday" My dilemma? Well, the problem is, I'm naturally dorky. Therefore pretty much all of my pictures are dorky, so it's tough to single out just one.

This week for HNT, I found a picture from a couple of years ago, when I went to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. I happened upon the MSN Butterfly himself (who knew that butterfly was a dude?) and pulled him aside to get a quick photograph. Never in a thousand years did I think I'd be standing next to a million-dollar bug!

So alas, I was unable to find anything suitable for a Dorky Tuesday entry, but I sincerely hope that this makes up for it. Happy HNT Everyone!


Moosekahl said...

You would only be a true dork if you caught an episode of Digg Nation with Alex and Kevin while you were there too! Happy HNT

The Ethical Slut said...

I personally think you get the dorky award!! But cute nonetheless!


Anonymous said...

OK... that is actually a very cool shot... you met the MSN butterfly?! Cheers and Happy HNT!

Polt said...

I dont know, dude, that butterfly is pretty hot. I'd cocoon with him anyday!

And you...definitely NOT dorky. Cute, but not dorky.


Vixen said...

Well.... I have to say *ducking* that I am glad you didn't say you WERE the butterfly dude.

It's a great pic though! :)


Anonymous said...

hehehe, dorky indeed - though I shalt not show mine really dorky pics... and there are quite a few...

Happy HNT

S said...

Most colorful and excellent HNT!

Lapis Ruber said...

Great picture - not dorky at all. HHNT

Oh great One said...

Now it would be truly dorky if you were the one in the suit. Not that I'm judging...a guys gotta get paid. ;)

Julie said...

I don't know about dork- but I love geeks. And I would have totally snapped a picture with the MSN Butterfly.

tkkerouac said...

are you twins? Happy HNT!

Bunny said...

OMG - totally cool. If there's a dork in this pic, it's not you dude . . .


BTExpress said...

Yep, I'd say it makes up for it. ;-) Happy HNT a day late!

Anonymous said...

The butterfly dude is way dorkier than you are! I gotta get you back on my blogroll, so I'll remember to check in more often.